Responsible Human Mission (RHM) is a commitment to transform this world by being responsible and accountable for our actions. Our existence on this beautiful planet is as short as a fraction of a millisecond, compared to the age of this planet which is around 4.5 billion years old.


Every being plays an equally significant role in building a sustainable world, and one can not be considered inferior or superior to another. All of existence is made of the same life force and energy. Still, as humans, our belief tends to be one of superiority and domination of nature. What is the reason behind this belief? What is it that we are truly seeking, and is it necessary to compete with the planet and other people and lead a stressful life in order to find it? How else can we spend the time between birth and death and create a truly happy and sustainable life? The aim of TGG is to explore these possibilities. We cannot change anyone in this world, however, we can transform ourselves into responsible human beings.

Engaging with the TGG Family is intended to help you cultivate a deeper sense of humbleness and groundedness. In order to do this, the Foundation follows a celestial model for its operation: Each individual is self-guided (acting directly from inspiration arising from her/his consciousness) and is accountable and responsible for those actions. TGG Foundation is committed to upholding ‘Oneness’ above all ideologies and belief systems in this world. Therefore, all participants must submit a self-declaration to have no affiliation with polarizing thoughts and ideologies including religious and political during her/his engagement with TGG.


Responsible Human Mission is an impersonal code that connects all those around the Globe who are on a similar pursuit. Responsible Human Mission upholds Universal values that connect all members in their mutual pursuit of transformation. We ask that only those who genuinely find an alignment with our values should participate in TGG. It should be a willful commitment, rather than one made out of compulsion or expectation. Because the foundation of our organization is non-affiliation with any specific ideology or belief, we allow all of our actions and resulting impact to emerge from what we call “effortless action”.

This means that instead of acting in the name of passionate convictions, creeds, or moral obligations, we allow our actions to subtly arise from a place of ease and flow found within. Consequently, TGG does not require or desire you to participate with an attitude of overworking or excessive effort. Opportunities to have an impact through TGG can look very different for each person. Some may want to visit one of our in-person locations, many will feel inspired to contribute remotely, still, others may want to simply speak on and share the principles of TGG and share their memories and experience of their time with us. All participation is valuable and welcomed; we ask only that you let it arise through the “effortless action” and inner ease that we encourage.


Our code of Ethical Practice describes the conduct we are working towards and is the guiding principles that connect all the members of TGG Family, your desire to become aligned with these practices enables your journey with TGG.

  1. Serve the world with humbleness and gratitude, focusing on reducing inequality and creating a more connected world.
  2. Prioritize ethical agricultural practices, producing food for consumption rather than commodification, and reusing items to limit natural resource exploitation.
  3. Continue to observe the ongoing changes in the world so that the appropriate actions can follow.
  4. Respect oneself and others with equality and dignity and act without lust, greed or anger.
  5. Keep a clear mind by avoiding harmful intoxicants.
  6. Make conscious family planning decisions to prevent population pressures and suffering.
  7. Foster relationships between rural and urban communities to address inequality, and manage individual desires by engaging in activities that benefit all, which reduces the strain on the planet.
  8. Raise self-reliant children by age 18 and encourage parents to pursue their potential once their children are independent.
  9. Choose a life path consciously and responsibly in order to experience happiness at all levels. There are many paths to choose beside those laid out by society.
  10. Engage in travel to broaden your understanding of diverse cultures and perspectives, enriching life experiences while cultivating practical knowledge and wisdom.
  11. Promote financial independence within marriage and give equal opportunities regardless of gender. 
  12. Practice minimalism for sustainable living. Spend responsibly and produce durable, sustainable goods.
  13. Encourage honesty, awareness of rights and responsibilities, and establish a socially safe society that resolves conflicts through dialogue and compassion before legal action.
  14. Follow an individual ethical compass, living by the “Oneness of Oneworld” philosophy and treating all forms of life with equality and dignity.
  15. Ensure actions are sustainable, support food security, and center education around values that create responsible human beings.
  16. Respect the planet by using natural resources wisely and promoting a chemical-free, plastic-free lifestyle.


Short term engagement

For participants opting for RHM Club, #OneWorld, Bridging-the-gap, Volunteering, Sustainable Living Experience (TGG Farm), Minimalist Living Experience (RHM Center), Researchers (Responsible Tourism, Tiny home designing, Energy efficient firewood cooking solutions, Food processing, etc.) and Holistic -Experiential Learning Programme can obtain an RHM Registration by opting “short term engagement” with TGG.

Journey with TGG

Those who wish to apply directly to “Journey with TGG” can opt this option:
The Journey with TGG must be opted by those who have elevated from self-centered goals, personal priorities and are willing to engage in collective actions that are for the common good.

1. Age 40 year or above
2. Aligned with the Ethos of TGG
3. Happy to serve the society without any expectations and wish to travel and meet people.
4. Volunteer any of the administrative activities of TGG Foundation

Selection Process:
Apply for RHM Registration by opting Journey with TGG
Donate willfully for the infrastructure and upkeep of the RHM Center.
Participate in any of the “Journey with TGG”.
Selection will be done by Board of Trustees.

Associate with TGG

Those who wish to apply directly to “Associate with TGG” can opt this option:
Professionals who share our mission and goals are invited to participate in our Global Citizen program by volunteering a minimum of 30 days at the RHM Center. During their time, they will enhance their skills that contribute to our Sustainable Rural Development Goals, while creating a sustainable revenue stream both for themselves and for the Foundation.

1. Age 25 years or above
2. Aligned with the Ethos of TGG

Selection Process:
Apply for RHM Registration by opting Associate with TGG
Final selection will be done by the Board of Trustees.
Selected candidates will be nominated to the Nomad Community of Responsible Humans.



    Short term engagement with TGG Foundation

    Select any one of the short term activity in which you wish to participate
    Journey with TGG

    The "Journey with TGG" must be opted by those who have elevated from self-centered goals, personal priorities and are willing to engage in collective actions that are for the common good.

    Associate with TGG

    Professionals who share our mission and goals are invited to participate in our Global Citizen program by volunteering a minimum of 30 days at the RHM Center. During their time, they will enhance their skills that contribute to our Sustainable Rural Development Goals, while creating a sustainable revenue stream both for themselves and for the Foundation.

    : I am fully aligned with the journey of TGG Family and I consider humanity above all ideologies and belief system that exist in this world. I have not been convicted by any court for any criminal offence & sentenced to imprisonment. I am committed to transform myself by being responsible and accountable to all my actions. I have understood the Values and have also read and accept the CODE OF PRACTICE & ETHOS OF TGG. I am a community being and understand the significance of Collective Actions. I hereby endorse my participation with TGG consciously to be a part of this Global Family


    The RHM Registration can be canceled by the Board of Trustees if the participant is found in violation of the code of practice or disrespecting the values created by TGG. Such breach of trust will eliminate all the privileges and entitlements one has gained after the registration or during the journey/association and the participant will be expelled from TGG Family. The Board of Trustees reserve the rights to take such decisions which cannot be challenged.